Issue #10
February 14, 1999
Dear Friends and Family,
I hope this Valentine's Day finds you all well and happy. It is all mostly well here. We are just about to finish a rather hot Sunday. It has been a good week. This week was mid term so we had to get grades turned in. Monday was also the middle day of the school year, so we are over half way through.
The 1st-3rd graders had a t-ball tournament on Saturday. It was a lot of fun. The kids really enjoyed themselves. It is really cute to watch them play. Some of them really have no clue what they are doing.
There is a flurry of activity going on at school right now. This coming weekend is a busy weekend, and this week will be extremely busy getting ready for it. The elementary kids will be involved in a soccer tournament as well as extra music practices getting ready for the musical that is next Sunday evening. The freshmen and sophomores are preparing for Penny Fair that is next Saturday. The freshmen are making all kinds of yummy foods to sale, and the sophomores are making the rides and booths. There is a water slide and a sky ride to be built along with numerous games to play.
There is a praise item from last week. The container finally arrived last night. This afternoon was spent unloading and distributing it. There were a lot of happy people on campus that finally got the things they have been waiting on. I was pleasantly surprised to find that my Cream of Mushroom soup that I had ordered in my American food order last spring that should have arrived in the July container appeared. I had just figured someone else had gotten to enjoy the soup. I also finally got a filing cabinet for my classroom. This was also supposed to be on the last container. I had heard that it wasn't on this one either, so I was excited to find out that it was.
The science teacher finally got all of his supplies that he was supposed to have in August. The rest of the elementary Social Studies books are finally here. I guess half way through the year is better than not at all. I haven't heard if my language books made it yet. That's part of the fun of getting school supplies in Africa. You never know quite when they'll get here.
Prayer request for this week....
For me and the musical. I'm getting a bit stressed over the last minute details and wondering if it is all going to pull together. The kids are getting a bit nervous, especially those with a lot of line. Some of them are having problems remembering them all. I'm sure it will all be fine, but it is going to be a tiring week for us all.
For those working with the Penny Fair. Pray for them to have strength as they work hard and long hours this week.
For parents who are traveling. There will be many parents who will be arriving this week.
For Cathy Urban (high school math teacher) and her family. Cathy found out last night that her mother had passed away. Pray for her as she returns to the States on Monday evening. Also for those who will be covering her classes while she is away.
Hope you all have a great week! I'm sure I won't be writing this next Sunday afternoon since the musical will be that night. I'll write a few days later to let you know how it all went.
In Christ,