Issue #23
June 28, 1999
Dear Friends and Family,
I haven't written much lately. It has been busy as usual, but not a whole lot to write about. We are all just trying to finish out the year. There are only 3 more days of school left. Graduation is on Friday.
Here are some of the most recent happenings:
A week ago Friday my elementary music classes sang for the last time in church. We almost didn't get ready in time, but that was the last time.
This last weekend was the Senior Play. The performed "Les Miserables." They did a really great job.
Yesterday was Senior Sunday at church. The Seniors planned the Sunday morning and evening services.
There are lots of extra people already here. There are a bunch of alumni from last year and previous years who have come out for graduation. Then there are already a lot of parents here. More will arrive in the next two days.
The kids are all packing up and getting ready to go home. I think most of their minds are already there. We are just trying to keep on functioning like school is going on.
Next week at this time the campus will be empty. I think there are only going to be about 25 people left on campus for the summer. There are usually about 300. There are a lot of people leaving for furlough or just going home for the summer.
I leave next Thursday evening to go home for a few weeks. I'm really looking forward to having a little time with my friends and family. Then I will be back here to prepare for another fast and furious year.
Please pray for all of those traveling in the next few weeks: parents, alumni, and friends that come in for graduation and those traveling home.
Pray for the Seniors and their families as they make all the necessary adjustments. Many families will return to the States or Canada just long enough to get their child settled in college.
Thanks for you prayers and support. I hope to see some of you this summer.
In Christ,
P.S. Just a small report on the dog. A vet from Europe, who is working here, came by and looked at him. He diagnosed him and the certain medication he needed, which just happened not to be available out here. I started the search to find it. It ended up that the vet's father was coming out for a visit and is bringing it with him. It should be here on Thursday. Hopefully, it will take care of the problem. Thanks to those of you who checked on things for me.