Issue #29
September 20, 1999

Dear Friends and Family,

Once again our email is not working so I'm not sure when this will go out. It is not the outside phone lines this time, but the inside ones. We had a big lightning storm on Friday night, and it zapped the phones. Alan (computers/electrical guy) has been working since then to try to get them working again. I think he is getting closer, but they definitely aren't cooperating.

We concluded Spiritual Emphasis Week last night. It was a good week. Many students made commitments and rededications. Several of my students feel that God is leading them into full-time Christian service. The speaker that was here this year was also the SEW speaker 2 1/2 years ago. When he was here last time, there was a revival on campus. One of the guys, Amir, who was saved then was back here visiting. He graduated in 1998. He is from Israel. He doesn't have much Christian support there, so it was really good for him to be back and get grounded again. He gave a really good testimony last night. He will be leaving this week to go back to Israel to begin his 3 year term in the Israeli army.

This week is the "fun" week of doctor visits. All of the kids see the doctor for a physical. This is not the kids' favorite time of the year.

Prayer Requests:

*Pray for Amir as he goes back to Israel. Also pray for his dad. He is being evacuated out of Cote d'Ivoire for medical reasons. He has hepatitis and malaria. Pray that Amir can be a witness to his dad and that this time might help his dad realize his need of a Savior.

*Pray for the students that made decisions will be able to stand firm.

*Pray for Kema. He is a new student this year. It was recently discovered that he was put in the wrong grade. After being tested he was moved back to 3rd grade (my class.) He is having a really hard time with it.

*Continue to pray that the container will be released from Abidjan soon. Pray that all of that all of the necessary paperwork and signatures will be in place.

*Pray that the doctor and nurses will have strength and wisdom this week. Pray that they will be able to find any ailments in the staff and students and treat them.

Thanks for your prayers and support. You are very much a part of the work going on here in Bouake. We couldn't do it without you all!
In Christ,