Issue #51
March 19, 2000
Dear Friends and Family,
It is a hot Sunday afternoon in Bouake. Yesterday, the thermometer that was in my living room under the ceiling fan read around 98 degrees most of the day. We are eagerly waiting for the rains to come and cool things down.
There are only four school days left until we get a two-week break. The kids are very ready to go home for a little while. It will be hard to keep them focused this week. I should say not only them but the teacher's as well.
Not only are we feeling the heat, but my dog, Levi, is as well. I have been trying to put a big bucket of water out for him so he will have plenty to last him the day. He has found other uses for it. After he finished drinking his fill of water, he puts on of his front legs in the water and splashes it all over himself, and then he sticks his head in it and bites the water. This goes on for some time until he dumps the water over or splashes it all out. The he lies down in the wet spot he has made on the ground. He is a funny sight to see, but I guess it cools him off.
Please pray for all the parents and students that will be traveling at the end of this week. Pray for safety, no hassles from the police, and no car problems. Also, pray that the parents and their kids will have good quality time together during this short break.
In Christ,
Traci Epps