Issue #57
May 7, 2000
Dear Friends and Family,
Another week has passed at ICA. It was a good week. The illness that was running rampant on campus seems to have mostly gone away. There are a few other illnesses that I will mention later in the prayer requests. This was a fairly normal week with nothing special or extra scheduled in the week. This was nice after a week of testing and accreditation.
On Friday night, I was invited to a slumber party with the second grade girls. The PE teacher was also there. We slept in a tent. The girls were so excited. They didn't stay up too late, but woke up at 5:45 a.m. I wasn't too crazy about that, but I got a nap in the afternoon. I was just glad we didn't get the rain we got last night on Friday night.
Prayer Requests:
Tyler Timberlake, one of my students, has malaria. He had a fairly high fever this morning. He should be up and around in a few days. He will certainly not be at school. (Tyler's parents are the C&MA dorm parents filling in our Free Will Baptist Dorm.)
Josh Brumley, eighth grader, also has malaria. Josh has been unable to keep medicine down. His fever was 105 this morning. They put him on IV's. After they finally got in touch with his parents this afternoon, they took him up to Ferke to the hospital. He will need to be there for several days on IV. His parents are driving down from Burkina Faso to meet him there. (Josh is in our Free Will Baptist Dorm.) Pray that the medicine will take effect quickly and that his fever will go down.
Thanks for your prayers and support.
In Christ,