More news from the ranch.
It looks like the attack against general/president Guei's home was not left unnoticed. Two ranking ministers in the interim government have been dismissed. The minister of security, and the minister of transportation. The minister of security is alleged to have arranged the attack on Guei's home. The minister of transportation was dismissed because of known sympathies with the minister of security and one of the other presidential candidates.

For more details feel free to visit this site:

Thanks for your time and prayers.

Issue #68
September 19, 2000

Dear Friends and Family,
The biggest news for right now is that on Sunday evening an attempt was made the President Guei's life. Some men dressed in civilian clothes started shooting at his house in the middle of the night. He is unharmed. Two of his bodyguards were killed. It is not certain if the men were soldiers or not. The embassy has encouraged Americans to stay home until they are able to see what the situation is like today. Although at ICA, we would not even know anything was happening except for the warden messages, the news, and being told not to go to town. So far today, everything appears to be calm and back to normal.

Continue to pray for this situation. On October 7, the announcement will be made as to which candidates are eligible to run. One of the popular candidates may not be allowed to run. This could cause problems. Elections are to be held on October 22.

Sickness has once again hit the campus in full force. If we didn't know better, we would think that malaria was contagious. There are numerous cases on campus right now. Also, typhoid fever is going around. We have one diagnosed case right now and about four more are on their way to town to get blood tests right now to see if they have typhoid. There are also the usual cold/flu type things going around. Pray for the nurse for wisdom and strength. One nurse is gone until the end of this week, and this is the first year for the nurse that is here. There are two dorm moms that are also nurses that are helping out. Please pray that the sicknesses will go away, and that the students and staff will return to good health.

My class is going well. Starting next week, my student teacher will be teaching everything. I will continue to observe and help him, but I will also probably be helping in other areas on campus. The music classes are going well, also. I am working with them on the musical for February and to do a Sunday evening service in October, so they are working really hard right now. My Sunday School class is a lot of fun. I have fifth grade again this year, so these are the kids that I taught two years ago. I am also starting this week mentoring a high school girl. I haven't met with her yet.

Thanks for your prayers and support.
In Christ,
Traci Epps