Issue #8
We now have up to date newsletters in hand. Since I managed to get behind I am going to be sending these out more often til I get caught up again. If you would like them sent on a daily basis I can do that to get us back up to speed. Let me know if there are any opinions one way or the other.
Thanks for your patience.
charley. ...editor@large
January 30, 1999
Dear Friends and Family,
Howdy! I hope this email makes it to you in a more timely matter. Hopefully some of our email problems will be remedied soon with addition of new phone lines and the arrival of our new technical specialist on campus. Although the new phone lines were the source of our last problems.
The weather has been interesting here, but we are all very thankful that so far it has not been a repeat of last year. This time last year is was very hot all day long. There was no relief and it lasted until April. It is just now beginning to get hot, but the nights and evenings are wonderful. In the morning when I get up to walk it is in the 70's outside. (That is sweatshirt weather here.) By about 10 am, it has found the 90's. I don't know that we have broken 100 yet.
Last weekend a group of 70 high school students plus staff went to Ferke for outreach weekend. It was a tremendous weekend. I don't have the actual statistics but many people heard the gospel message and many accepted it. This is a strong Muslim area, and the outreach weekend took place right at the end of Ramadan. They weren't sure how the would be accepted, but there were no problems.
My class is going well. My two new students are still trying to adjust. One of my new students, Caleb, accepted Christ as his Savior in the dorm the other night. Praise God! Continue to pray for him as he makes the adjustment to being away from home, making friends, and getting into the routine.
The Elementary Musical is just three weeks away. It is getting difficult to get ready for it and to keep up in my classroom. Please pray for strength for me the next three weeks, and that I will get all of the details worked out and not forget something major. This is a big weekend on campus. On Saturday, Feb. 20, is the Penny Fair. This is a fund raiser for the Freshman and Sophomore Class. It is really an amazing event. I was so shocked last
year by all of the stuff that they had at it. Then on Sunday night, Feb. 21, is the Elementary Musical. The are a lot of parents in that weekend.
It is amazing the things that I appreciate these days. When I read the McVay's newsletter, they mention the American products they are able to find. I completely understand. Last week, a friend and I were in town at the grocery store. We found granola bars. We were so excited. Not to mention that we couldn't find milk or crackers at either grocery store, but at least we got granola bars. The funny part of the whole thing is that I rarely buy granola bars in the States. I guess it is just the idea of getting something from home. It is also exciting when they have cake mixes in stock. Today I noticed that they had Crest toothpaste. I didn't notice the price. A lot of times stuff like that is very expensive.
This coming Friday will be a big day on campus. The American Ambassador and some other people from the Embassy are coming to visit the school and look around. I think it has been a long time since the Ambassador has been on campus.
Thanks so much for your prayers and support.
In Christ,