Issue #82
February 20, 2001

Dear Friends and Family,
Phew! Is it really time to start another week? The last week was a bit crazy for me. Trying to get the musical ready took a lot of time and practices. Friday before last we had practice, and I was really discouraged. I didn't see any way we could get it together in just a week. The kids worked real hard. Because of some other activities during the weekend, I wasn't able to finish the stage until Sunday afternoon. I had some people show up to help so we were able to get it done. It looked really nice. The kids did a super job. They made tremendous progress in one week. Maybe they really knew what they were supposed to be doing and just liked to see me sweat.

My house was also revolving with people this week. As I mentioned last week, my roommate, Celeste, is a sophomore sponsor. There were kids in and out all week cooking, cutting, freezing cleaning. Saturday morning, the day of Penny Fair, was kind of funny. I was laying on the couch reading my Bible with praise and worship music playing. I was just relaxing and enjoying the morning. Every few minutes, one of the sophomores would come running in frantically needing something. I would help them then go back to what I was doing. Penny Fair went great. There was lots of good food, hamburgers, hot dogs, tacos, nachos, milkshakes, popsicles, grapefruit slush, pies, egg rolls, french fries, and more. A lot of this stuff is a special treat because it takes a lot of time and effort to make many of these things. The freshmen did the games and rides. They had go cart rides, water slide, paintball, laser tag, fishing game, soccer kick, basketball throw, and other stuff. The juniors also had the commissary open where they were selling American pop and ice cream. There was also American candy to be bought. The kids and staff all had a great time.

Today on the way to music two of my kids had a bicycle/pedestrian accident. I just knew when I saw it happen that there were going to be some big injuries. Thankfully, there was only a bruised shin and scraped knee. They both went flying.

This week is a soccer tournament for the first - sixth grade. I watched their first games today. They were having a lot of fun. Some of the kids are really good.

There are still a lot of parents here. They will probably begin leaving later this week. Some will stay through next weekend because it is long weekend. We get out of school at noon on Friday. This is also mid term so it means grades come out this week too.

I think I'm going to quit commenting on the weather or just say the opposite of what I want it to do. If I say it has been hot, the next week we will have cool mornings. If I say it has been cool, the next week is hot. I prefer the first one, so I think I'll keep telling you that it is hot. Actually this has started out as a hot week. I get up to walk at 5:30 a.m. I can tell what kind of day it is going to be then. If it is cool and crisp, it will be a nice day. If the air is heavy, and it is already warm, it isn't going to be very pleasant day. Hey, at least we don't have to worry about icy roads.

Prayer and Praise:
Praise - The musical and Penny Fair went well. That all the kids were healthy for the musical. One of the lead cast is sick today.

Praise - The safety of travel for all those who have come to the school.
Continue to pray as the parents return back home.

Pray for a few of the kids as they struggle with homesickness and other issues in their lives right now.

Thanks so much for your continued prayers and support.

In Christ,