Issue #85
March 12, 2001

Dear Friends and Family,

I sit hear writing this to a wonderful sound. Rain is falling! This is the first time it has rained during the day. I could barely get my kids to pay attention at all because they were too busy watching the window. We knew the rain was coming. Do you think people went inside when it started raining? No, as a matter of fact, some of the middle school teachers let their classes out for a few minutes to play in the rain. The first few rains are a big deal. It is wonderful! These are also the "mango rains." It means ripe mangoes will be coming soon. Yummy!

There hasn't been a lot happen since the last time I wrote. Well, a lot has happened just not a lot to write about. We did take our trip to town on Friday. The place we were going was closed because they were preparing for the "Black Beauty Contest." We were able to go somewhere else so it worked out fine. It is still interesting when you have forty kids in tow and the place is closed, but they were very good.

This weekend I was able to spend a lot of time with friends. Everyone has been so busy this trimester and adjusting to the new schedule that we haven't seen much of each other. It was really nice to have an opportunity to catch up on everyone's life.

I started my new Sunday School curriculum on Sunday. It went really well. The first week was just going over what it means to be saved. I wasn't sure about one of the girls in my Sunday School class, but she gave some of the best answers. Now we will go on to talk more about how we should grow as Christians.

The trimester is close be being over, but my class seems to have gotten a second wind. For a week or so, it was difficult to get them to do anything, but they are back at it again now. We only have two and a half weeks left.

Thanks as always!

In Christ,
Traci Epps